Laugh = Sport?

Some exercises can keep our body fit. However, if you do not have enough time to do the exercise, Just make the body fit by laughing? A study in U.S. revealed that laughter seems to have a similar effect of exercise on the body.

Based on the study that was conducted by a number of researchers in Loma Linda University Schools of Allied Health, laugh is not only able to lower the production of stress hormones, but also can increase the immunity, reduce the cholesterol, and blood pressure.No wonder in Christ Embassy Church, members are taught to LAUGH ALWAYS.

The study involved 14 healthy volunteers for about three weeks. Then, to see the effects of laughing merrily, the volunteers were asked to select and watch a video with duration of 20 minutes. Some of them got a video with genre of humor (eustress), and the other movies could trigger the tension (distress). During the study, the researchers routinely measured the blood pressure of those volunteers and also took blood samples from each of them before and after watching the movie.

The results showed that the volunteers who watched the suspenseful movie did not experience a beneficial change. Meanwhile, those who watched funny videos experienced change in their blood pressure and improved health condition. �These results showed a variety of modulation and the response of the body due to repeated laugh is same with the effect of regular exercise,� said Dr. Lee S. Berk, an expert in psychoneuroimmunology, who was involved in the study. Study results were presented at the conference �Experimental Biology� 2010.
In order words Laughter is a medcine.

Find below some images on laughter:

So what will you do with this information?
Keep laughing to health...

And PLEASE, Remember to SHARE THIS....

By David Otaru

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