Obama lobbies GOP senators to back arms pact

WASHINGTON � President Barack Obama tried to sway reluctant Republican senators on Monday to back a new arms control treaty with Russia as GOP aversion to giving a politically damaged president another victory intruded on his national security agenda.

The White House and senior Democrats expressed confidence that they had the votes for the accord that was signed by Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in April. The two countries negotiated the New START pact to cap nuclear weapons and restart weapons inspections in the spirit of U.S. efforts to reset the relationship between the former Cold War foes.
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Proponents edged closer to getting the two-thirds vote they needed for ratification as Republican Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts announced he would support the treaty. In recent days, Brown had received a call from Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. Republican Sen. Johnny Isakson of Georgia, who also heard from Clinton, sent the strongest signal yet that he would support ratification.

Treaty backers also were heartened as several Republicans broke ranks, voting against three GOP amendments that would have effectively killed the treaty. With the help of eight Republicans, Democrats beat back an amendment to increase the number of weapons inspectors on a 64-33 vote. They also rejected a measure to change the accord and increase the number of deployed launchers on a 64-33 vote. An effort to change the treaty to include tactical nuclear weapons also failed, 62-35.

Obama, who delayed his holiday vacation, lobbied senators by phone as he pressed to complete the treaty before January when Republicans increase their numbers by five in the Senate, casting the accord's fate in doubt. Vice President Joe Biden and Clinton also called lawmakers to push for ratification.

Bolstering Obama's argument for quick action, Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, sent a letter to lawmakers reiterating support for the accord.

"This treaty enhances our ability to do that which we in the military have been charged to do: Protect and defend the citizens of the United States. I am confident in its success as I am in its safeguards. The sooner it is ratified, the better," Mullen wrote.

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry, D-Mass., read parts of Mullen's letter at the closed briefing.

Despite the letter, several conservative Republicans insist the treaty would restrict U.S. options on a missile defense system to protect America and its allies and argue that the accord has insufficient procedures to verify Russia's adherence.

Politics coursed through the debate on Monday as Republicans were still peeved by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's decision to interrupt the six days of treaty consideration for votes on the gay ban and an unsuccessful immigration measure, legislation they considered a sop to the Democratic Party's liberal base.

"No senator should be forced to make decisions like this so we can tick off another item on someone's political check list before the end of the year," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said.

Obama suffered a self-described "shellacking" in the Nov. 2 midterm elections as his party lost control of the House and suffered an erosion in its Senate majority. Yet he has scored two major political wins in Congress' postelection session � overwhelming bipartisan passage of the tax deal he cut with Republicans and repeal of the ban on openly gay members serving in the military.

His top foreign policy priority before the year's end is ratification of the treaty.

Kerry bemoaned the politics atypical for arms control treaties.

"When the leader comes to the floor and says that our national security is being driven by politics, we really need to step back for a moment and calm down and think for a moment about what is at stake," the Massachusetts Democrat said. He later added: "I mean is there no shame ever with respect to the arguments that are made sometimes on the floor of the United States Senate."

State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said Republican lawmakers had legitimate concerns, but "we believe that we've answered those concerns." So at this point, he said, objections "are more about politics than substance."

Senior Democrats pushed toward a possible decisive vote on Tuesday to cut off debate and set the stage for a final vote later in the week. Republicans and Democrats were discussing amendments to the accompanying resolution � not the treaty � that would address GOP concerns about missile defense and build support for the agreement.

"It's going to be a real slog, house by house combat if you will, but I think we'll be there," Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., told ABC's "Good Morning America" on Monday. Schumer also said longtime Mississippi Sen. Thad Cochran was on board, but when questioned later in the day, the Republican told reporters he didn't want to talk about his vote.

Laugh = Sport?

Some exercises can keep our body fit. However, if you do not have enough time to do the exercise, Just make the body fit by laughing? A study in U.S. revealed that laughter seems to have a similar effect of exercise on the body.

Based on the study that was conducted by a number of researchers in Loma Linda University Schools of Allied Health, laugh is not only able to lower the production of stress hormones, but also can increase the immunity, reduce the cholesterol, and blood pressure.No wonder in Christ Embassy Church, members are taught to LAUGH ALWAYS.

The study involved 14 healthy volunteers for about three weeks. Then, to see the effects of laughing merrily, the volunteers were asked to select and watch a video with duration of 20 minutes. Some of them got a video with genre of humor (eustress), and the other movies could trigger the tension (distress). During the study, the researchers routinely measured the blood pressure of those volunteers and also took blood samples from each of them before and after watching the movie.

The results showed that the volunteers who watched the suspenseful movie did not experience a beneficial change. Meanwhile, those who watched funny videos experienced change in their blood pressure and improved health condition. �These results showed a variety of modulation and the response of the body due to repeated laugh is same with the effect of regular exercise,� said Dr. Lee S. Berk, an expert in psychoneuroimmunology, who was involved in the study. Study results were presented at the conference �Experimental Biology� 2010.
In order words Laughter is a medcine.

Find below some images on laughter:

So what will you do with this information?
Keep laughing to health...

And PLEASE, Remember to SHARE THIS....

By David Otaru

NEWS AFRICA-Sudan's President Bashir 'siphoned off millions' - ICC

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir has been accused of siphoning off up to $9bn (�5.6bn; 7bn euros) of his country's funds by the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Luis Moreno Ocampo told the BBC that President Bashir had hidden the money in personal accounts outside Sudan.

Mr Ocampo's suspicions originally came to light when a diplomatic cable obtained by Wikileaks was published by the Guardian newspaper.

Sudan has forcefully denied the claims.

The ICC's chief prosecutor has charged Mr Bashir with crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide over alleged atrocities in Sudan's Darfur region.
'Not in London'

Mr Ocampo told the BBC he had looked into Mr Bashir's financial affairs as part of the overall case against him.

He said the court had "strong reason to believe that Bashir has a lot of money" held in personal accounts outside Sudan - but that he could not be sure of the precise amount, with estimates ranging from hundreds of millions of dollars up to $9bn.
Continue reading the main story
�Start Quote

Ocampo suggested if Bashir's stash of money were disclosed (he put the figure at possibly $9 billion), it would change Sudanese public opinion from him being a 'crusader' to that of a thief �

End Quote Senior US diplomat, author of cable revealed by Wikileaks

In the leaked diplomatic cable, US diplomats report Mr Ocampo as saying that "Lloyd's Bank in London might be holding or knowledgeable of the whereabouts of his money".

But Lloyd's has denied holding any funds in Mr Bashir's name, and in his BBC interview, Mr Ocampo agreed that the money was not held in a London account. "This is a confusion," he said, and he said he did not know where the money was.

"The money is not in UK and it's sad because in UK it would be easy to get the money. In UK, some banks [have] official accounts of the Sudanese government - that's different. The personal accounts of President Bashir are not there."

Asked why he did not reveal his suspicions about siphoned funds at the time the ICC issued an arrest warrant for Mr Bashir in March 2009, Mr Ocampo said he was not bringing financial charges against Mr Bashir but that any funds uncovered could be used to compensate his victims.

Correspondents say that if Mr Bashir does indeed hold a fortune of $9bn in secret bank accounts, that would be equivalent to one tenth of the country's annual GDP.

"Ocampo suggested if Bashir's stash of money were disclosed... it would change Sudanese public opinion from him being a 'crusader' to that of a thief," one senior US official was quoted as saying in the leaked cable.
'No credibility'

Speaking to the BBC, a spokesperson for the Sudanese government, Dr Khalid al-Mubarak, dismissed the claims made by Mr Ocampo.

"I know that we have a government, we have a treasury, we have a system, we have a civil service," Dr Mubarak said.

"And that we are not the sort of country in which the president puts all the money under his pillow and decides to deal with it the way he does... We are a country with rules and regulations, and a civil service."

He said Mr Ocampo had "lost all credibility as far as Sudan is concerned. He has been proven wrong more than once about Sudan and he has exaggerated many things about Sudan.

"And this is the reason why Sudan as a whole is being targeted," Mr Mubarak said.
More story

US Senate lifts 'don't ask, don't tell' gay soldier ban

US Senate lifts 'don't ask, don't tell' gay soldier ban
Activists rally for the repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy in Washington, DC, 10 December Activists have urged President Obama to deliver on the repeal of 'don't ask, don't tell'
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* Stopped from serving for being gay
* House passes gay military repeal
* US troops 'OK with gay ban end'

The US Senate has approved landmark legislation allowing openly gay people to serve in the military.

Senators voted 65-31 to overturn the 1993 "don't ask, don't tell" law, which bars gay people in the military from revealing their sexual orientation.

The House of Representatives had already approved the repeal bill. President Barack Obama says he is looking forward to signing it into law.

Opponents argue that the change will damage troop morale at a time of war.

More than 13,000 service members have been dismissed under "don't ask, don't tell", enacted under President Bill Clinton.

Saturday's vote was along broad party lines, with a few moderate Republicans joining the Democratic majority in favour of lifting the ban.
Continue reading the main story
�Start Quote

The Department of Defense will immediately proceed with the planning necessary to carry out this change�

End Quote Robert Gates US Defence Secretary

* Losing battle for the status quo

The BBC's Iain Mackenzie in Washington says the vote is a major victory for Mr Obama, who had made overturning "don't ask, don't tell" a key policy objective.

The president said it meant "thousands of patriotic Americans" would not be forced to leave the military "because they happen to be gay".

The repeal will take effect after a 60-day period allowing the defence department to consider how to implement the new policy.

Defence secretary Robert Gates also welcomed the Senate vote.

"Once this legislation is signed into law by the president, the Department of Defense will immediately proceed with the planning necessary to carry out this change carefully and methodically, but purposefully," he said.

Aubrey Sarvis, head of the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, an advocacy group, said: "Until the president signs the bill, until there is certification, and until the 60-day Congressional period is over, no-one should be investigated or discharged under this discriminatory law."

Earlier this month, a Pentagon report said that allowing openly gay troops would have little impact on the cohesion of US forces fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Democrats, who still control both house of Congress, have said they want to approve the repeal before the start of a new Congress in January.

What effect will this have in the US military? Do you believe that it is right to lift the ban on gay people in the military revealing their sexuality? Send us your comments and experiences using the form below.

Can streetcars save America's cities?

(CNN) -- In a down economy, pursuing the American dream can be challenging, but restaurant owner Todd Steele was willing to take a chance.

For nearly 20 years, Steele worked all levels of the restaurant game, from dishwasher to general manager, before partnering with his mom and opening his own eatery called Metrovino on Portland, Oregon's, 11th Avenue streetcar line.

"I would not have picked this spot if it weren't for the streetcar, and my business has certainly benefited from our location," Steele said. "Streetcars are also a romantic way to travel, and they are fun to watch from inside Metrovino."

While America lost much of its love for streetcars as public transportation during the 1960s, a few cities have kept the romance burning. The heart of San Francisco includes its nearly 140-year-old electric cable car system. In New Orleans, the location for Tennessee Williams' "A Streetcar Named Desire," many tourists are drawn by the picturesque St. Charles Avenue Line.
Interactive map: How we get to work
Interactive map: Key streetcar projects
Streetcars, light rail around the world
Washington's streetcar battle

The Obama administration recently offered some U.S. cities a piece of a $130 million federal fund for streetcar projects aimed at reducing traffic congestion, cutting pollution and reliance on foreign oil, and creating jobs. Transit systems in Dallas, St. Louis, Cincinnati and Charlotte, North Carolina, are slated to share grants from the Federal Transit Administration's Urban Circulator program.



Clara Oshiomhole�s Last Moments
The death of Mrs. Clara Oshiomhole, 54, wife of governor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo state came as a rude shock to many, even though her battle with breast cancer has been kept as top secret for long.

She has been abroad receiving treatment for the ailment and but had to return to Nigeria from the United States of America recently to attend to her daughter�s wedding preparations slated for December 18th.

The situation however got worse last week wednesday and she had to be admitted in an Abuja clinc for immediate medical attention, but she lost the battle for her life at exactly 10.53 pm Nigerian time on Tuesday, December 7, 2010.

She is survived by five children Cyril, Winnie, Jane, Steve and Adams Jnr.

Rahul stands by his remarks on Hindu terror

New Delhi: Congress General Secretary is standing by his comments on Hindu terror leaked by WikiLeaks. The Congress party issued a statement on Friday saying that India should remain vigilant against terrorism of all kinds.

"Rahul Gandhi's view is that terrorism and communalism of all types is threat to India. We need to remain vigilant, against acts of terrorism of all kinds no matter who commits them," the press statement said.

Congress spokesperson Manish Tewari, after issuing the statement, attacked the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and said that it had a habit of making a communal and political issue out of everything.

"Fighting terrorism should be the responsibility of all citizens. Fingers are being raised on those who attained martyrdom. Those who escorted terrorists to Kandahar, those who were found wanting to take action when Parliament was under attack are raising these questions," Tewari said.

The latest WikiLeaks cables on Friday revealed that Rahul Gandhi had voiced fears about the growth of Hindu extremists groups to US Ambassador Timothy Roemer in 2009.

The cable contained details of Rahul's conversation with the envoy at a luncheon hosted by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at his residence in July 2009 in honour of visiting Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

"Responding to the Ambassador's query about Lashkar-e-Toiba's activities in the region and immediate threat to India, Gandhi said there was evidence of some support for the group among certain elements in India's indigenous Muslim community," the cable notes.

The man who owns the Internet


UPWARDLY MOBILE: Kevin Ham's kitchen-table business now inhabits the 27th floor of a skyscraper in Vancouver.
The man who owns the Internet
Kevin Ham is the most powerful dotcom mogul you've never heard of, reports Business 2.0 Magazine. Here's how the master of Web domains built a $300 million empire.

(Business 2.0 Magazine) -- Kevin Ham leans forward, sits up tall, closes his eyes, and begins to type -- into the air. He's seated along the rear wall of a packed ballroom in Las Vegas's Venetian Hotel. Up front, an auctioneer is running through a list of Internet domain names, building excitement the same way he might if vintage cars were on the block.

As names come up that interest Ham, he occasionally air-types. It's the ultimate gut check. Is the name one that people might enter directly into their Web browser, bypassing the search engine box entirely, as Ham wants? Is it better in plural or singular form? If it's a typo, is it a mistake a lot of people would make? Or does the name, like a stunning beachfront property, just feel like a winner?

When Ham wants a domain, he leans over and quietly instructs an associate to bid on his behalf. He likes wedding names, so his guy lifts the white paddle and snags Weddingcatering.com for $10,000. Greeting.com is not nearly as good as the plural Greetings.com, but Ham grabs it anyway, for $350,000.

Ham is a devout Christian, and he spends $31,000 to add Christianrock.com to his collection, which already includes God.com and Satan.com. When it's all over, Ham strolls to the table near the exit and writes a check for $650,000. It's a cheap afternoon.

Just a few years ago, most of the guys bidding in this room had never laid eyes on one another. Indeed, they rarely left their home computers. Now they find themselves in a Vegas ballroom surrounded by deep-pocketed bankers, venture-backed startups, and other investors trying to get a piece of the action.

And why not? In the past three years alone, the number of dotcom names has soared more than 130 percent to 66 million. Every two seconds, another joins the list.

But the big money is in the aftermarket, where the most valuable names -- those that draw thousands of pageviews and throw off steady cash from Google's and Yahoo's pay-per-click ads -- are driving prices to dizzying heights. People who had the guts and foresight to sweep up names shed during the dotcom bust are now landlords of some of the most valuable real estate on the Web.
Kevin Ham�s Reinvent continues to evolve,Kevin Ham�s company Reinvent continues to evolve as new ventures are launched, the company�s web site has been receiving facelifts.

The new web site look, showcases the company�s domains and now links to Reinvent�s developed properties on the Our Lab page - with clickable links to GoodNews.com, BlackFriday.com and Vancouver.com.
See Details

Israel outlines easing of economic measures on Palestinians

Jerusalem (CNN) -- The general in charge of the Israeli government's program to ease the economic blockade of Gaza, cited major progress Tuesday, saying the flow of goods into Gaza has increased many fold.

That message given by Major Gen. Eitan Dangot, the coordinator for Government Activities in the Territories, the Israeli army section responsible for handling Palestinian civilian affairs in the West Bank and Gaza.

Speaking at a news conference, he detailed how presently 180 to 200 double container trucks are entering Gaza daily compared with about 80 to 90 such trucks before the June decision.

He estimated that soon the capacity at the Kerem Shalom crossing point will reach 300 trucks per day. But he also sounded a note of concern regarding the recent upswing of rockets and mortars fired into Israel by Palestinian militants from inside Gaza. "In the last weeks we are facing launching of rockets and mortar shells around Gaza, all over from the north to the south at Kerem Shalom," he said.

He said that this put the lives of those handling the transfer of material into Gaza in danger.

The general explained that all goods going into Gaza are coordinated with the Palestinian Authority, which is situated in the West Bank, even maintaining what he called a "24 hour hot line" with Palestinian officials in Ramallah. Looking toward the coming year, he said he planned to increase the capacity of trucks going into Gaza to 400.

The increase in materials entering Gaza supports 78 projects that are being implemented by the international community. Twenty-two projects are in education, 16 are water and sewage works, 10 agricultural and others in the field of housing, health and electricity.

There has also been an increase of business people allowed to travel out of Gaza to conduct business in the West Bank and Israel in order to promote economic growth. Daily about 60 to 80 such people travel out of Gaza. However when the general was asked about allowing unrestricted freedom of movement to go in and out of Gaza for its population, he made clear that Israeli security concerns would rule on that matter.

Inter Milan ease into World Club final

(CNN) -- Inter Milan cruised into the final of the Club World Cup after beating Asian champions Seongnam Ilhwa 3-0 in Abu Dhabi.

The European champions, who have struggled to replicate last year's form, when they claimed the Champions League, Italian Serie A title and Italian Cup, will now face African champions TP Mazembe in Saturday's showpiece after this comfortable victory.

Despite the setback of playmaker Wesley Sneijder limping off injured early in the match, Inter were always in control and took the lead in just the third minute when Dejan Stankovic coolly slotted the ball home from the edge of the area.

And that advantage was doubled in the 32nd minute when same superb interplay between Argentine duo Javier Zanetti and Diego Milito resulted in captain Zanetti sliding the ball past Seongnam goalkeeper Jung Sung-Ryong.

The victory was sealed 17 minutes from time when Milito, making his return to action after five weeks on the sidelines, stabbed home a rebound after Samuel Eto'o's shot was parried by Jung.

Meanwhile, the fifth-place play-off was won by Mexican side Pachuca, who rallied from going two goals behind to defeat local side Al-Wahda on penalties, after the match finished 2-2.

A late double from Dario Cvitanich sent the match into extra time, where no further goals were scored.

Details here

Breaking news-Helena Bonham Carter and Colin Firth both received Golden Globe nominations...

Helena Bonham Carter and Colin Firth both received Golden Globe nominations Tuesday for their work in "The King's Speech."
(CNN) -- The critically acclaimed film "The King's Speech" led the 68th Annual Golden Globe nominations Tuesday morning.

The film starring Colin Firth, Helena Bonham Carter and Geoffrey Rush scored seven nominations including best film -- drama, best performance by an actor in a motion picture -- drama for Firth, best supporting actress in a motion picture for Carter and best performance by an actor in a supporting role in a motion picture for Rush.

"I'm truly grateful to be recognized by the Hollywood Foreign Press for this film, and euphoric to be in the company of so many of my colleagues," Firth said.

"The Social Network" and "The Fighter" followed with six nominations each, including best film -- drama, joining "Inception" and "Black Swan."

Actors Josh Duhamel, Katie Holmes and Blair Underwood joined Hollywood Foreign Press Association president Philip Berk on Tuesday to announce the nominations.

As many critics predicted, Natalie Portman scored recognition for best actress in a motion picture -- drama for her work in "Black Swan." Other nominees for best actress include Halle Berry for "Frankie and Alice," Nicole Kidman for "Rabbit Hole," Jennifer Lawrence for "Winter's Bone" and Michelle Williams for "Blue Valentine."
The Golden Globe nominees are...
Golden Globe movie nominations

* Golden Globes
* Entertainment Awards
* Television
* Movies
* Entertainment

Joining Firth in the best actor in a motion picture nominations were Jesse Eisenberg for "The Social Network," James Franco for "127 Hours," Ryan Gosling for "Blue Valentine" and Mark Wahlberg for "The Fighter."

On the small screen, familiar names such as "Glee," "30 Rock" and "Modern Family" snagged nominations in the best TV series -- comedy category, along with "The Big C," "Nurse Jackie" and "The Big Bang Theory."

Last year's winner for best actor in a comedy TV series, Jim Parsons from "The Big Bang Theory," was again nominated and joined by Alec Baldwin for "30 Rock," Steve Carell for "The Office," Thomas Jane for "Hung" and Matthew Morrison for "Glee."

Baldwin expressed his joy with the nominations.

"'30 Rock' is back, bigger and better than ever," he said. "We are very grateful to the Hollywood Foreign Press."

This year's nominees for the best TV drama series include "Dexter," "The Good Wife" and "Mad Men" as well as newcomers "Boardwalk Empire" and "The Walking Dead."

Actor Johnny Depp pulled off a double nomination in the category for best actor in a motion picture -- comedy or musical for his role in both "Alice in Wonderland" and "The Tourist."

British comic Ricky Gervais will return to host the Globes award ceremony, which will air live January 16 on NBC.

Gervais said he will push the envelope even more than he did when he hosted the last show and took jabs at NBC and the Foreign Press Association.

"I don't think I was too bad," Gervais told reporters last week about his first turn hosting. "I don't think I went far enough."

The following is a full list of the nominees: Details here
Slain drug lord was 'spiritual leader' of cartel

Slain drug lord was 'spiritual leader' of cartel

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(CNN) -- An alleged drug cartel boss killed in clashes with Mexican authorities was also a "spiritual leader" who used religion to recruit criminals and strengthen his stronghold, according to a Mexican government report.

Nazario Moreno Gonzalez dubbed himself the "savior of the people" and crafted the violent La Familia Michoacana cartel's philosophy, outlined in a "bible" provided to new recruits, a profile released Friday by the office of Mexico's president says.

"Moreno started as a migrant in California, continued trafficking marijuana on the border and became the leader of one of the most violent criminal organizations in the history of Mexico," the report says.

La Familia began its operations in the state of Michoacan at the beginning of the decade, the country's national security spokesman told reporters Friday. But it grabbed national attention in 2006, after reportedly hurling five decapitated heads of rival gang members onto a dance floor.

Local media described a message found at the gruesome scene: "La Familia does not kill for money, does not kill women, does not kill innocents. The only ones who die are those who must die. Everyone should know: this is divine justice."

Mexican authorities said Moreno's tenure as one of the cartel's leaders ended Thursday, when he was gunned down after two days of shootouts between authorities and suspected members of the organization he founded.
Mexico's drug war myths dispelled

* Mexico
* Drug Trafficking

At least three members of La Familia were killed and three others were captured during the operation, Mexican national security spokesman Alejandro Poire said Friday.

Suspected members of the cartel set trucks and buses ablaze on highways to block approaching federal police during the clashes -- a reaction that Mexican authorities said was a sign that they were closing in on high-profile targets.

Moreno was one of them, Poire told reporters, describing him as the leader and founder of an organization that had "terrorized the population" of Michoacan since its founding, "not only trafficking and producing drugs, but also extorting, kidnapping, and murdering people."

Nicknames for the 40-year-old drug lord included "El Chayo," "The Doctor" and "The Craziest One." The Mexican government's dossier describes him as the brains behind a large number of killings.

But he started small. As a teenager, he immigrated illegally to the United States and worked in several locations in California, the profile says. And he was arrested for the first time on drug trafficking charges in McAllen, Texas, in 1994.

Ten years later, authorities there issued a warrant for his arrest, accusing him of six transactions introducing more than 5 tons of marijuana into the United States, the Mexican government's profile says. And the U.S. Department of the Treasury included his name on a list last year when announcing new sanctions against those who made financial deals with the cartel.

Officials say Moreno played a key role in La Familia's philosophy -- frequently displayed on banners hung in public places -- which claims to protect the state's people.

"The group may have initially formed as a vigilante group to counter local street crime and law enforcement corruption," a statement released in 2009 by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration said.

The approach showed a "strong religious background," the DEA said.

"It purportedly originated to protect locals from the violence of drug cartels. Now, La Familia Michoacana uses drug proceeds to fuel their agenda that encompasses a Robin Hood-type mentality -- steal from the rich and give to the poor," the statement said. "They believe they are doing God's work, and pass out Bibles and money to the poor. La Familia Michoacana also gives money to schools and local officials."

Intelligence reports indicate that the cartel is "heavily involved in the production of methamphetamine" for export to the United States, according to the DEA, in addition to the distribution of cocaine and marijuana.

But Mexican authorities say the ideology advocated by the cartel's leaders includes banning members from consuming drugs and alcohol with the goal of keeping a tighter emotional grip on subordinates.

"The indoctrination of this group consists of courses in self-improvement, values, ethical principles and morals in keeping with the purposes of the criminal organization. With the objective that their subordinates separate themselves from drugs and alcohol and they unite with their families," Mexico's public safety ministry said in a statement last year after capturing the alleged head of La Familia's training operations.

The Mexican government's profile of Moreno describes him as one of the drug traffickers "with the most economic power and support from police organizations."

But Mexican authorities said he was squarely in their cross-hairs this week.

Five police officers and three civilians -- including two minors -- were also killed in the clashes, Poire told reporters.

But he said that the government's offensive would continue, noting that more armed forces were on the way to the area.

"This is the moment to intensify the pressure on this organization in order to diminish crime in the region effectively and permanently," he said.